Thursday, February 9, 2012


 Always looking so stylish!  And would you look at that room?  That'll make your day :)
So I totally resorted to comfy bummin' clothes after I got thrown up on by this poor little guy.  But hey, I you can't beat the feeling of stretchy work-out clothes right?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!

It was another one of those special days when we were able to take our picture together!  As you can tell, from the background of the pic, we are eating at Cafe Rio.  Seriously, I don't know how much better life can get!  Being together at Cafe Rio...that is pretty stellar!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Terrific Tuesday!

With the great weather on this terrific Tuesday we couldn't help but pull out those tees with the shorter sleeves!  It was one beautiful day!   

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Monday!

And just for fun, I had to post a picture of Lauren's cutie nails!! :) Love her!
Happy monday everyone!!
Hope you all have a great week! :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Slackin'

As you can see, there is a little bit of slackin going on here.
Brooke did great! Right on it!
I have not yet recieved Laurens picture,
And about mine... I took a picture and it was workin out great but I had one slight problem.
I got my camera for Christmas and I have yet to buy an SD card. Pathetic, I know.
So I have enough room for 5 pictures on my camera. Ha!
Every 5 pictures I take I have to download them on my computer.
As I was going to add my picture, I realized that my picture was one of the pictures that got deleted. Yikes.
So, I used one that I took with my nephew.
I guess it will have to work for now!
Its the outfit that matters...right?
Goal for this week: Stay a little more on top of this whole picture thing AND buy an SD card!!
Here's to a great week! :)
Sincerely, Carli

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lovin it.

Carli here...
I am loving this challenge.
Out of the three of us, I am the one who wears the same 4 shirts ALL of the time!
So its about time I get something or some-two-people to motivate me to WEAR MY CLOTHES!!!  
It's weird how a simple challenge can make me look forward to getting ready and choosing what to wear :)
Like Brooke said, the photography part of it needs a little help but hey, we're beginners.. just doin our best!
I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!
P.S. Go Jazz!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3-This blog is only half serious!

Yes, this picture is meant to be SUPER, UBER cheesy!  That is just the way we like to roll most of the time.  Since we were all in one place tonight, we decided to take our picture together.  3 in 1...can't beat that!  Hope that you had a great day!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2...We are NOT photographers!

Yes, we could do better.  Maybe we could learn how to edit?  Or maybe we should just flat out avoid letting highchairs into the background.  Too bad.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1...the game is ON

 This is the baby of the three...Carli.  She is balancing boys, books, and trying to make some extra cash to support her love for treats, nails, blonde locks, and fun times with friends!

And here's  Lauren (the one on the right).  She's the cutest girl with the biggest heart!  She's hard at work being student teacher of the year, hosting fun get-togethers with friends, doing amazing projects and making rockin' roommate dinners!  
(and who wouldn't want our sweet cousin Becca in the picture too? Love her!)

Brooke is the oldest girl in the family.  She is enjoying living the dream...taking care of a hard-working husband, and two sweet little dudes, and still finding time to enjoy friends, fashion and food as well!